People are used to using Alexa and Siri to set their alarms, play music and tell them what the weather forecast is. As AI-powered chatbots become more powerful, people will start to use them to help them with more and more tasks in their everyday life.

This opens up the opportunity to create AI personal assistants that can give specialized and accurate information/advice in relation to a specific topic. For example, a finance bot could help us achieve our financial goals and a maths tutor bot could help us pass our exams. People would happily pay a monthly subscription fee to access these specialized AI assistants that help them achieve their goals.

Someone just needs to build them (cough you cough)

How to build an AI personal assistant

  1. Define the purpose and functionality of your AI assistant: Determine the purpose and functionality of your AI assistant, and identify the types of tasks it should be able to perform.
  2. Collect and prepare your training data: Collect and prepare a large dataset of relevant text inputs and outputs to train your AI assistant. Use data preparation tools like Python to clean and preprocess your data.
  3. Train your AI assistant using GPT-3: Use GPT-3 or other AI-powered language models to train your AI assistant on your dataset. Fine-tune the model using transfer learning and generate new responses using the model's text generation capabilities.
  4. Build and integrate your AI assistant: Build a user interface or integration for your AI assistant, such as a chatbot or voice assistant, and integrate it with your existing software or platform.
  5. Test and refine your AI assistant: Test your AI assistant with real-world users and refine it based on their feedback. Use analytics and monitoring tools to track performance and identify areas for improvement.

Personal Assistant Niche Ideas

  1. Language tutor: An AI personal assistant that can help someone learn a new language by providing conversation practice, vocabulary drills, and other language learning exercises.
  2. Mental health coach: An AI personal assistant that can provide mental health support, such as guided meditations, cognitive behavioral therapy exercises, and mood tracking.
  3. Travel assistant: An AI personal assistant that can help plan and book travel, suggest activities, and provide real-time translation for communication with locals.
  4. Fashion advisor: An AI personal assistant that can provide fashion recommendations, create outfit combinations, and suggest new styles based on personal preferences.
  5. Home organization coach: An AI personal assistant that can help with home organization and decluttering by providing personalized tips and suggestions for storage solutions.
  6. Personal concierge: An AI personal assistant that can handle tasks such as scheduling appointments, making reservations, and ordering groceries, allowing individuals to focus on their personal and professional goals.
  7. Career coach: An AI personal assistant that can provide guidance on career goals, offer personalized job search support, and suggest resources for career development.
